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Coffee bags supplier, coffee bags factory, quality coffee bags manufacturer, we are specializing in the production of coffee bags for more than 15 years, we have rich experience in coffee bag design, customization, production, we have a professional kraft paper R&D and sales team, our coffee bags are far Selling to most countries in Europe and the United States, the coffee bags we produce are of high quality, and the product quality has been highly praised by customers. As a professional supplier coffee bags, we have been striving for excellence in the selection, design and production process of coffee bags. We are meticulous, our mission is to become the best manufacturer of coffee bags in China, to provide our customers with the best coffee bag products, and look forward to cooperating with you
What is coffee bags
Coffee bags are packaging products for storing coffee.
Roasted coffee bean (powder) packaging is the most diverse form of coffee packaging. Because coffee beans will naturally produce carbon dioxide after roasting, direct packaging is easy to cause damage to the packaging, and prolonged exposure to air will cause aroma loss and lead to oil and aroma in coffee. Oxidation of components causes quality degradation. Therefore, the packaging of coffee beans (powder) is particularly important.
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