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coffee bags factory, we are a coffee bags factory and manufacturer in China with a scale of 500 people and 15 years of experience in compostable coffee bags and Recyclable Coffee Bags manufacturing. We have several automated coffee packaging bags machines. We are especially good at custom compostable coffee bags. Our workers are very professional. If you have coffee packaging bags customization needs, We will give you the most professional high quality Recyclable coffee bags answer, there is no doubt that we are your best coffee packaging bags factory and Recyclable coffee bags factory
High-quality coffee bags factory, we have a scale of 500 people, our production management is particularly good, the quality of workers is relatively high, very experienced, the automation operation efficiency is very high, and can quickly supply the coffee packaging bags and compostable coffee bags products you want, contact us, you will find the best coffe bags factory and manufacturer
Excellent R & D team
We are a coffee bags factory integrating production, research and development, and sales. Our research and development capabilities are relatively strong in the coffee packaging bags industry. The research and development team has 5 top bag technical engineers, who are good at color matching, product design, pattern printing, and style customization. Professional cutting, etc. As the largest factory of Recyclable coffee bags in China, it is the best choice for you to purchase coffee bags and custom compostable coffee bags, we are your best coffee bags factory
Address: Rm603. Yuanyang Building, No. 1008 of Heshan Avenue, Shaping, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China. Compostable coffee bags, biodegradable coffee bags, resealable coffee bags are made by coffee bags factory China